go mod init {REMOTE}/{USERNAME}/hellogo Where {REMOTE} is your preferred remote source provider (i.e. github.com) and {USERNAME} is your Git...
A webhook is an event sent to your server by an external service. When building a webhook handler: Ensure your handler is idempotent, as the...
ACCESS TOKENS One of the main benefits of JWTs is that they're stateless. The server doesn't need to keep track of which users are logged in via JWT....
RW MUTEX The standard library also exposes a sync.RWMutex. By using a sync.RWMutex, our program becomes more efficient. We can have as many readLoop()...
MUTEXES IN GO -pt1 Mutexes allow us to lock access to data. This ensures that we can control which goroutines can access certain data at which...
docker run -d \ -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin \ # creates user -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=changeme \ # creates passwd -p...